New research exposes court failings during pandemic
The Bureau of Investigative Journalism has published a detailed article looking at how tenants who have suffered financially during the pandemic are losing their homes in a matter of minutes, with judges often powerless to prevent evictions being ordered. If you are worried about an eviction notice, contact us. We will do our best to…
Harrow Law Centre has been assisting Afghan nationals to secure asylum in the UK since we opened our doors eleven years ago. We are very concerned about the current situation and will continue doing all we can to assist those fleeing persecution. If you are a non-British national in Afghanistan, or are the family member…
Harrow Law Centre’s Menu of Services
Recognising exploitation and understanding your rights: online workshop for young people
Sign up here or scan the QR code.
New Online Drop in Service for young people under 25
Click here to access the drop in form, or scan the QR code What is this?This is a free online service for children and young people.You can ask us questions about your rights (for example during a protest or if you are stopped and searched) or if you’re going through something and you want to…
Worried about eviction, find out more about illegal evictions here:
Thanks to the Legal Education Foundation for making this blog possible.
Recognising Exploitation
Recognising the signs of exploitation. Poster download
Police Powers: Online workshop 28 July 2020
Click here to sign up
Universal Credit: how to challenge a decision
Download available here
Landlord trying to kick you out? We might be able to help.
Download available here.