If you or your child are affected by one of the issues below please contact us to find out more about our services
Have you been excluded from school?
Permanent exclusion can change the course of a young person’s life and career. It can be a traumatic and stressful time for parents and young people. Schools can only permanently exclude a student if allowing them to remain in school would seriously harm the education or welfare of the pupil or others in the school. Even then, schools must follow specific procedures according to the law and statutory guidance. Children and young people from BAME background, traveller communities and those having special educational needs are at the highest risk of school exclusion.
If you or your child feel you have been wrongly excluded from school, we can advise and may be able to represent you in challenging the decision.
Are you worried about securing a place in school or college?
Local educational authorities and schools hold duties to young people in their area. We can advise you on the admissions process and help you challenge a wrong decision.
Do you have special educational needs (SEN)?
Councils have a duty to arrange a suitable educational provision for young people with special educational needs.
If your school or council has failed to do this, we can advise you and challenge the decision. For more information, see guidance here.
Are you in care or a care leaver?
We can advise children who are looked after by local authorities including children who are in care or children being otherwise accommodated by the local authority who are unhappy with the services that they are receiving.
Young people who are, or may be, care leavers between the ages of 18 and 25 who were looked after by the local authority when they were children for more than 13 weeks, are owed services as care leavers. This includes accommodation, having a personal adviser, a support plan and support in education.
If you feel you are entitled to these services and have not received them, we can advise you and help you challenge a council’s decision.
Are you homeless or in need?
According to the Children Act 1989, every local authority owes a duty to children in need, including accommodation, within their area. We may be able to challenge the council and negotiate on your behalf if you feel you are entitled to support and services that you are not receiving.
Are you in contact with social services or in need of support for a disability?
If you are in contact with social services or are receiving support from them, we can advise you on your rights.
We can also advise disabled children who require a child in need assessment and care plan.