Thank You

We would like to thank the following people and groups for their continued support:

  • London Legal Support Trust
  • North West London Community Foundation
  • Comic Relief
  • Berwin Leighton Paisner
  • Holman Fenwick Willan LLP
  • The Chambers of Marion Smullen
  • Wealdstone Methodist Church
  • LawWorks
  • The Law Centre’s Federation
  • Unity Trust
  • Evening Standard
  • Baring Foundation
  • Children in Need
  • Trust for London
  • London Borough of Harrow
  • Co-op
  • Nationwide
  • John Lyon’s Charity
  • London Community Foundation
  • The Three Guineas Trust
  • Leigh Day Solicitors
  • Watson Farley & Williams LLP
  • The Legal Education Foundation
  • The Bell Foundation
  • Matrix Chambers
  • Greater London Authority

Our thanks also for the kind  donations from:

  • The family and friends of Gladys Helsby
  • Harrow Rethink

We also wish to thank the many members of the community that have made donations, taken part in our sponsored walks or who have given their time to help with establishing Harrow Law Centre. With particular thanks to:

  • Jonathan Boud
  • Stanley Klarfield
  • Anna Disney