Support Harrow Law Centre on our Sponsored Walk

We will be walking 10km on Tuesday 18th June to support the most vulnerable in society to access life changing free legal advice.

Our team is: Pamela Fitzpatrick, Eileen Bye, David Martinez, Beth Shannon, Olivia McGrady, Masi Bashardust, Liz Dann, Mercedes Diaz, Anne Whitehead, Mike Norman, Radhika Shah, Sherina Kabir, Karen Brookes, Emily Coatman, Jackson Caines, Sue Davis, Rishi Joshi, Sarah Wood, Julian Jimenez

We are walking with the Lady Chief Justice and thousands of lawyers to raise funds for the Harrow Law Centre.

Harrow Law Centre opened on 12 April 2010 and came about as a result of individuals within the community taking it upon themselves to establish a Legal Charity to assist disadvantaged groups. The impetus was a reaction from the community against what was seen as the injustice that many in the community have in accessing specialist legal services.

The model chosen was a dynamic, not for profit organisation that would operate reactively by providing advice, and proactively through education, social policy/influencing and test case litigation. It is a model that the private sector is unable to replicate as many of the functions are non-profit making. It is also better able to undertake these roles as it is rooted within the community

With the ongoing cost of living crisis, poverty set to soar and a housing crisis your support is needed more than ever. Please sponsor our walkers as generously as you are able using the link below

Many thanks for your support.
